Expect fireworks this Diwali

Post GOLMAAL RETURNS, anybody accepted Ajay Devgn [that's how his surname is spelt now] and administrator Rohit Shetty to alpha plan on GOLMAAL 3. Instead, the duo abutting easily and started ALL THE BEST. "GOLMAAL 3 is absolutely up next, but I capital to accomplish addition amateur afore I fabricated the third instalment in the GOLMAAL series," Rohit Shetty tells me. Ajay abnormal it. "We had planned ALL THE BEST even afore GOLMAAL RETURNS had released. GOLMAAL is a cast and there has to be a gap amid the instalments," Ajay states.

But one affair that Ajay and Rohit were abiding of is that their new blur had to absolution in Diwali. "We didn't apperceive how we'd accomplish it, but we were agog on absolution the blur during the anniversary of lights, like GOLMAAL RETURNS," Rohit reveals. There were a lot of 'obstacles' if they began shooting, like Sanju's appointment with politics, Fardeen chief to opt out if his father's bloom started breakable and Mugdha affair with an blow on the Mumbai - Pune expressway. "Then there were forecasts of abundant rains in Goa," Rohit was worried. But things fell into abode and Rohit captivated the shoot in a almanac three months.

Rohit and Ajay don't aphorism out ALL THE BEST 2, if the aboriginal allotment succeeds. "A lot of humans are analytical to apperceive if we accept affairs to accomplish a aftereffect to the film. This, even admitting ALL THE BEST is not yet released. That alone shows the akin of action is tremendous," Ajay and Rohit echo. If that happens, Rohit would be the aboriginal administrator in India to accept two brands beneath his belt - GOLMAAL and ALL THE BEST.

While on Ajay Devgn, the accomplished amateur is all set to alpha his next authoritative assignment, afterwards the superbly-crafted U ME AUR HUM, next year. "I haven't absitively on the brand of the blur yet, but I'd like to accomplish a blur that aswell has a bulletin to convey. It would be commercially viable, that's for sure," he divulges.

