Jon Gosselin: Kate Defying Aegis Pact, Keeping Him From Seeing Twins

The war of words amid Jon and Kate Gosselin artlessly will not abate.

The latest? Jon says Kate is aggravating to accumulate him from seeing their twins, Mady and Cara, on their 9th altogether Thursday. No admiration the kids abhorrence them.

"She's aggravating to anticipate me from seeing my kids on their altogether because she doesn't wish to see me," alleges Jon on ET in an annual Wednesday.

Jon says if he rolls over and "obeys" Kate (like he did for the last, oh, 10 years or so), "That's like giving her abounding custody. She can't acquaint me what to do."

The two barter off active in the family's sprawling Pennsylvania home if they accept custody. Kate wants him out tomorrow on Mady and Cara's b-day.

They both absorb holidays and birthdays with the kids generally, but tomorrow is Kate's day. Jon says he's "just traveling to stay" if his about-face is up.

"I own the house, so I can do what I want," he says.

She can't acquaint me what to do!! I can do what I want!! Me! ME!!! Jon Gosselin, the ancestor of eight baby children, is regressing into a adolescent himself afore our eyes.

Kate, who afresh declared that Jon blanket $200,000 from a coffer annual and larboard her clumsy to pay bills, wrote Jon an email about their birthday, stating:

"Due to contempo events, it will be too demanding to the kids to accept both of us actuality as planned. I would like to breach the black so they can see us both."

She wants to accept him appointment from 4-6 p.m. that day, that's it. Jon says Kate's a liar, that ain't gonna happen, and she "doesn't wish to plan things out."

Earlier today, Jon said a lot of of his kids "didn't care" if they begin out he and Kate were splitting. They were apparently animated to apprehend beneath bickering.

"When we told them we were traveling to get divorced, the 5-year olds said, 'What's for lunch?' The alone two humans who absolutely cared were Mady and Cara," he told ET. "Cara bankrupt down and Mady said, 'Oh, I saw this coming."

