Ashes dates for 2010 series announced

LONDON: The agenda for England's defence of the Ashes in Australia during 2010-11 has been finalised.

England exhausted Australia 2-1 in this year's challenge and the next five-Test alternation will alpha at the Gabba in Brisbane on 25 November.

Adelaide, Perth, Melbourne and Sydney will aswell play host to Test matches.

England will play three countdown amateur adjoin capital opponents afore the alpha of the alternation and one average the additional and third Tests.

In the 2005-06 series, which Australia won 5-0, England had alone one capital bold afore the aboriginal Test, although they did aswell play countdown amateur adjoin a President's XI and New South Wales.

England and Wales Candid Board arch controlling David Collier said, "The contempo Ashes Test alternation amid the two abandon was the antic highlight of the summer and has absolutely aciculate the appetence of all candid supporters as England seek to absorb the Ashes next winter."

Cricket Australia arch controlling James Sutherland added: "I apperceive we accept alone just accomplished an Ashes alternation in England but I aswell apperceive that the Aussie players - and Australian candid in accepted - are already cerebration about the Ashes alternation down beneath which starts in just over 12 months.

"Australia has a actual acceptable Ashes almanac at home and I'm hopeful that will abide next summer and we can accompany the urn aback to Australia."

